My name is Milky...for those of you who know nothing about me...please let me reintroduce myself to you! I am that chick that no matter what I do, no matter how I try to avoid it drama comes to me!Really it's sad because I try to live a drama free life...it just will not work for me. Please believe me I try hard. This is one of the reasons why I started this blog. I really just needed to share what I'm going through to others because I would hate to believe that it is just me...it can't be.
So I posted to you guys yesterday that I was at my ex's...now because you don't know me as of yet you may be thinking, your ex...you get what you get. Not true. We went to dinner we talked and he pleaded his case to me. How he was wrong, he made a mistake, does he have to pay for it forever. Now I can be somewhat sympathetic, I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Okay...maybe we can make this work. Wrong...so we woke up the next morning. Nothing happened like I said. Before things went sour I use to stay over all the time, he would get up in the morning, get dressed, leave for work and leave me there(did I mention that I am unemployed at the moment...layed off, long story)no big deal for now. In any event he wakes me up as he's getting dressed to talk, he goes in the bathroom to take a shower. He left his Treo (or whatever it is he has, not sure) on the bed. It goes off, now mind you his phone has went off plenty of times in the morning and I have never felt moved to look at it. This morning for some reason I did. This is the message, not verbatim but close to it "Morning Daddy, I know you have a busy day today but relax and try not to stress, yadayadayada...can't remember what she said after that but it ended...kisses. Now I see this put the phone back down and went back to sleep until he came back out of the shower. He continued to talk to me and then proceeded to ask me if I would be there when he came home from work. I said "Well if you think you would want to speak to me by then, we'll see". He then started to question me about what I meant. What's really crazy to me now is that if this had been any other time in my life before now, I probably would have done a go crazy and my feelings would have been hurt. What's so shocking to me is that I did not care, I actually laughed at the whole thing. I mean I really am trully immune to to bullshit at this point.
When you think about it its sad. He then went on to ask me what did I mean, if I was going to smash up his place when he left, if I was going to sleep with another guy in his bed while he was at work, I mean real ridiculous shit. I just looked at him and then I said "Why are you asking me these stupid ass questions? You sound crazy".He shrugged it off and went to work. So now I'm still in the bed, my mind started working...I said you know what I do know that he has a hectic day today, let me fuck it up. So I sent him a text that said " Sorry I was acting so nonchalant this morning Daddy. I know you have a busy day just relax and try not to stress. Feeling like de ja vu...not really. Smooches. I'm assuming he called me as soon as he got the text.
It started off "Yo Milk, please what's up?" He asked what my text was all about, I said don't play stupid you know exactly what it was about. He proceeded to tell me how the chick was crazy (of course he called her something else...typical). How she leaves him texts every morning and that he would call her on the phone right now just to prove to me that it was nothing and that she was out of her mind. I laughed and told him not necessary, I don't even care and not only that, that I was not mad and I'll see him when he gets home.
Part 2 next post...Smooches